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Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross

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Pastoral Care

Martin Lee, Pastor, 310.459.2358 or 517.755.8770,

"The honest pastoral candidate knows that the office, not he himself, should be on a pedestal." Our pastor(s) find their greatest pastoral joy in ministry in comforting God's people with the assurance of the Gospel. "Only through the Gospel are people brought into a new, saving, living relationship with God. Only through faith in Christ Jesus and his Word are ultimate answers found, sins forgiven, eschatological therapy received, eternal destiny assured, anxieties relieved, despair turned to hope, and selfishness turned to service. Only through the Gospel can the church come close to being the salt, the light, and the leaven it is intended to be (Matt. 5:13ff.; 13:33)."
(Pastoral Theology, CPH, 1990.)

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