Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross

Share, Serve, Equip, Be Generous!
Child abuse involves doing something or failing to do something that results in harm to a child or puts a child at risk of harm.
Human trafficking, which recently became the world’s third-largest criminal enterprise, is a form of modern-day slavery.
As the Holy Trinity is the unity of three, so also marriage, life and family form a unity of three that echoes the reality of God. This is our starting point.
The separation of people into nations, languages and groups is a result of the fall into sin (Gen. 11), and is one of the aspects of a broken creation God restored through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
People with disabilities long to be connected to the Body of Christ. They have gifts and talents to share.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations in 2012 released a report called “Immigrants Among Us: A Lutheran Framework for Addressing Immigration Issues.”
The more prevalent illnesses, which account for 80% of cases, are the anxiety disorders, major depression, the substance use disorders and the trauma-based disorders. Our vision is that those living with mental illness/brain disorders and their families would be full participants in the life and ministry of the church.
In response to increasing intrusions by government in the realm of the church, the LCMS launched a Free to be Faithful campaign in September 2012 to educate and move people to take informed action to protect religious freedom and all the cultural issues that pertain to it: confessing the faith in the public square, marriage, defending the sanctity of human life, etc.
Domestic violence corrupts intimate relationships. These relationships may include a spouse or intimate partner including dating relationships.
Through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry, the Body of Christ comes together to value all human life — from conception to natural death.
All-merciful Father, You gave Your Son into the flesh to experience hatred and violence and to conquer them with His unfailing love. Remember in compassion Your children, our sisters and brothers in Iraq and elsewhere, who suffer now for the sake of Christ.
The following resources are offered to address a variety of issues, including human sexuality, marriage, cohabitation and abstinence. Find out what God’s Word teaches us about these important topics that are relevant to our society today.